ESG Issues: A Growing Imperative for Banks

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Issue #130 (May - Jun 2023) |
Cover Story
ESG Issues: A Growing Imperative for Banks
As ESG increasingly moves into the mainstream of business strategies at all levels, banks need to incorporate ESG factors into their financial metrics to identify, assess and manage environmental and social risks in their project financing activities. The following article seeks to outline some of the costs and benefits involved in investing in ESG – for both banks and their clients – and how the costs can become more manageable and the benefits more advantageous.
Special Article
HKIB Cybersecurity Solutions Day 2023 Focused on Current Cybersecurity Trends and Challenges
As the scope of cybersecurity risks and threats continues to expand, under the theme “Smart Cybersecurity Defence for the Future”, the HKIB Cybersecurity Solutions Day 2023 explored relevant topics including the current cyber-threat landscape, how different types of cyberattacks are being perpetrated, and tips and strategies the banking and finance sector can use to build resilience and mitigate cybersecurity risks.
China World
The Next Phase: Mainland China’s Latest Fintech Development Plan
Laying the foundation for the next phase of Fintech development in the new era, Mainland China’s Fintech Development Plan for 2022-2025 sets out key tasks, guidelines, development goals and implementation measures designed to integrate digital elements across the entire financial services sector.
Cyber Resilience, Expanding Threat Landscape Requires Resetting Cybersecurity Strategies
As banks and financial institutions increase their digital offerings through the extensive use of cloud, robotic process automation and Fintech applications, for Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) and their teams, expanding attack surfaces add additional threats to the cybersecurity landscape, which requires rethinking cyber resilience strategies.
GRC Corner
The Potential of Using Central Bank Digital Currencies for Cross-boundary Payments
When the topic of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) was first raised for serious discussion about 10 years ago, digital currencies were mainly talked about in terms of e-money for retail payment. However, as the pioneering use of CBDCs continue to gain momentum, successful testing paves the way for the future use of CBDC not only in retail payments, but in interbank payments, especially cross-boundary payments involving banks in different jurisdictions.
Change Horizons
Pathways to Success: Qualifications and Professional Development Programmes to Bank On
The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) has been at the forefront of talent development and capacity building for Hong Kong’s banking and finance sector. Amid constantly evolving industry needs, regulations and technology developments, the HKIB has been offering qualification and professional development programmes for six decades.